Essentials of Social Media Marketing: Chapter 3

This week we read Chapter 3 of our textbook, which was about Social Media Marketing Strategy and Social Media Advertising Strategy.

Social media marketing strategy outlines the tactics for how a company will incorporate social media into its business, whereas social media advertising is put in place to ensure that the company is effectively targeting the right customers. The social media marketing and advertising strategies work hand in hand to reach their target audiences. 

There are 10 steps to creating a solid social media marketing strategy listed in this chapter, and the fifth one was the most intriguing to me. Step 5 is establishing a tone of voice. A brand's tone expresses their personality and can be used to set themselves apart from competitors, build trust with customers and influence customer purchase decisions. It brought up the point that customers will not respond well to brands if they sound too corporate or impersonal. I feel like this relates a lot to building your personal brand, which we talked about in class last week. When building your personal brand on and offline you don't want to sound like a robot, but you also don't want to sound like you're hanging out with your best friends.


  1. I love that section of the chapter! Figuring out a cohesive voice for all social media platforms is a lot of work. I find that my experience with social media is pretty similar to real life. Different platforms are like the different groups in life. I don't act the same way with my parents that I do with my college friends, so naturally that would correlate to my socials. Having a consistent voice across platforms is definitely something I will have to be aware of!


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