Essentials of Social Media Marketing: Chapter 5

 Chapter 5 of our textbook is about Marketing with Instagram.

Similar to the previous chapters, this chapter goes over the numbers, components of a post, advertising, and more. The section that was the most interesting to me was the content strategy section. There are a lot of features on Instagram that are unique to the app and others that are replicas of features on other apps. The authors recommend taking advantage of stories, live video, IGTV, Instagram Shopping, geo-tagging, and hashtags to make the most out of your posts.

Instagram shopping is a rather new feature on the app, it was introduced in 2020. This feature allows businesses to tag up to five products in a post so that other users can view product details and pricing, and even jump to a page where they can purchase the product. Some other suggestions made were partnering with influencers and doing account takeovers. Both of these gain more attention for your account by reaching users that may not already be following you. One last tactic is utilizing the geotagging feature on posts. Tagging a location in a post allows users to discover your content if they are searching for posts that are tagged with a similar location. 

Instagram is a great tool for businesses since it has about 1.22 billion active users every month, with about 80% following at least one business. 


  1. I've never used the Instagram shopping feature but from what we have read and from what I have seen scrolling through the app, it seems pretty popular and useful! I think it's cool to see how the app has developed over the years and how new features are being added every couple or so years.

  2. I do not use Instagram very much, so I had never heard of IGTV and Instagram Shops until reading this chapter. It is crazy how much this app has changed since I first downloaded it in middle school. I agree that it is very useful as a business tool, however, I do not plan to use it as such. I am not a big fan of the platform.


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