Essentials of Social Media Marketing: Chapter 6

We are moving right along in our textbook! This week I read about Marketing with Twitter. 

Did you know that Twitter is considered a micro-blog? Users can share short messages with 240 or fewer characters, and it's a great platform for users to have quick connections with the people and businesses they follow. Like the previous chapter, the most intriguing section of this chapter in my opinion was the content strategy section. I think the most daunting part of managing a social media account is how, when, and what to post. However, each of the past and upcoming chapters will be helpful in planning how to manage social media accounts. 

The content strategy recommendations include less promotion to create more conversions, keeping posts short, posting consistently and at optimal times, posting visually appealing content, running polls, using emojis, and providing customer service to name a few. 

They recommend only promoting products in 20% of total tweets and using the rest of your volume to reply to other people, ask questions, and run polls. Even though you are limited to 240 characters, keeping your posts short will help them perform better. Users come to Twitter for updates that they can scroll through quickly, not lengthy reading that will take a minute or two to finish. Tweets also have an average shelf life of about 25 minutes, so it is important that you pay attention to what time of the day you are posting and you're making sure you are posting multiple times throughout the day. Finally, adding some pictures, videos, emojis, or a poll to your tweet will also increase engagement. Overall, Twitter is a great resource for businesses to establish their voice.


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