Week 3 @ ONU

This weekend was super busy for me! 

Friday night I had a team meal before our track meet Saturday with the other pole vaulters on my team. Andy made spaghetti, chicken, and garlic bread, and it was delicious! After we ate, we watched this Netflix Original movie called Seal Team. It was an animated movie about seals fighting sharks. There were so many pop culture references, and we were all laughing the whole time. Ever since coming to ONU, team meals with the vaulters the night before meets are easily my favorite tradition. It's such a fun and relaxing time hanging out with my friends before the big day.

Like I said, Saturday was our big track meet at home. There were only two other girl pole vaulters this week so I spent most of the day jumping alone. It was definitely a different experience, but I still had a lot of fun! I ended up jumping 3.55 meters, which was my second highest jump EVER!!! I almost broke my personal record, but after running in the 4x200 meter relay and taking about 10 vaults beforehand, I didn't have enough gas left in the tank. 

After the track meet, I went out to dinner with my boyfriend's family for his brother's birthday. We ate at Logan's Irish Pub in Findlay and then went ax throwing! It was my first time throwing an ax, and I was really bad at it... there were multiple times when it didn't even stick in the wood. Even though we weren't superstars at throwing, I think we all still had a good time.

Sunday afternoon my roommate and I went grocery shopping and cleaned our apartment, getting ready for the week. Then, I spent Sunday evening with my boyfriend again celebrating our two years together. We got a little more dressed up than normal and went to Toledo to get a nicer steak dinner. 

Overall, it was a great weekend. I was a little more tired than usual from the track meet, but it was nice to be busy for once!


  1. It was so cool watching you pole vault this weekend and come close to a PR! In high school we used to do team dinners before our meets and it was one of my favorite memories. I can totally relate to you about being tired this weekend. After the meet Saturday, the cross team had to work an indoor marathon at 7am which definitely took a lot out of me haha. Overall though, it was such a fun weekend like you said!


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