Week 5 @ ONU

 I'm beginning to think I should change the title of these weekly posts to "ONU Track Updates" or "Weekends @ ONU" because that's all I feel like I'm writing about! Track season has always been and always will be the busiest season of my life. I love track and I don't think I will ever get tired of it, but it takes up almost all my free time in the spring semester, which makes it kind of hard to do other fun things to write my blog about!

Even though I want to write fewer blog posts about track updates... something happened at this week's meet that I absolutely NEED to write about! Pole vaulting was going great again, I was clearing all the bars on my first attempt (except for one) and everything was coming together! Finally, the bar was set at what would be an all-time personal best. I came down the runway, I put my pole in the box, and BOOM I was on the pit. My ears were ringing, the packed fieldhouse was dead silent, I rolled over and saw my pole scattered all over the place in three pieces. I had just broken the pole I was using all day, I was shocked, in disbelief, scared, and all eyes were on me. Immediately my coach came right to me and walked me to the end of the runway where there were fewer people around. At this point, I don't really remember what exactly happened, but I know he calmed me down and we came up with a game plan. I made my way back to the runway, grabbed a bigger pole, and I was back and all business. About ten minutes after one of the scariest things to ever happen to me I was right back to jumping. I took up three beautiful attempts and almost cleared the height. Although I didn't get it this weekend, I still made a lot of progress mentally and physically. 

I think the moral of the story here is that even in our weaker or weakest moments, we are still so much stronger than we believe. Even with what happened, I still managed to make it onto the podium and scored some points for my team. I can't wait to keep on improving with my teammates, they all had really great weekends too!

I can't forget about the Super Bowl! I started my morning a little bit later than usual, I stayed in bed until around 10:45 a.m. because I was exhausted from the track meet the day before. After getting ready for the day, my boyfriend and his brother picked me up and we were off to Jac & Do's in Kenton for a giant pizza challenge! You had to eat a 30-inch pizza with two toppings in 30 minutes with no restroom breaks and only one drink. They were excited and ready to win! However, after about 20 minutes they really slowed down and only finished about a quarter of the giant pizza. I think it is safe to say that they were regretting their decisions... 

After this, we headed back to their house to digest all the pizza and wait for the game to come on. I was rooting for the Bengals since Cincinnati is close to where I'm from and it would have been awesome to watch them finally win the Super Bowl! But after a hard-fought game, they fell short. Hopefully, they will make it back to the big game next year!


  1. Your meet experience has really inspired me even more to not give up on myself. The fact that you went through something so traumatizing and still came out on top is very impressive.


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