Essentials of Social Media Marketing: Chapter 10

 Chapter 10 of the textbook I am slowly but surely reading is about marketing with YouTube. Personally, I don't watch a lot of videos on YouTube, and I was excited to read about how businesses can use the site for marketing.

As always, the chapter begins by giving you some background on the app - did you know that YouTube has over 2.3 billion active users, which is almost one-third of the entire internet, and users watch over 5 billion videos every single day? Like most other social media platforms, the majority of the content is free, and they have videos for virtually everyone. 

The text says that 81 percent of businesses use video in their marketing strategies and that 93 percent of businesses gain a new customer after posting a video. In addition to this, social media sites are changing their algorithms to prioritize videos, as mobile device users are beginning to have shorter attention spans and are increasing their consumption of videos. 

YouTube is one of the top channels for video marketing today. Brands are creating content just for the platform designed to drive engagement with video ads. Although the best way to become successful on this site is to pay attention to the algorithm and cater your videos to it. YouTube uses artificial intelligence to recommend videos to users, and it uses data such as video relevance, video quality, watch time, and the number of likes and dislikes. 

Last but not least is the section on content strategy with some tips and tricks on how to be successful on the platform. The best channels have a trailer about their business/company that users can watch to get an introduction to the brand, a popular product, a customer story, etc. Some other tips include experimenting with different video content types and utilizing YouTube Live and Shorts. It is also a great idea to post often and at optimal times, you can post when YouTube is most popular in general or you can do some research on YouTube Analytics about your channel specifically to determine what content and times perform the best.


  1. I think if someone was trying to market on YouTube posting on reels frequently would help a ton. Because I use YouTube a bunch and I spend most of my time watching reels which are short videos like Tiktok.


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