Spring Break Recap!

 Welcome to a rather long update of what happened over spring break!

I started off the weekend with a track meet at ONU. This meet was a last chance meet to qualify for the nationals meet the next weekend. It actually ended up going very well! I set another new personal best, and I qualified for nationals!!!

The next day I was finally able to make a trip home for the first time since coming back to school in January. It was so nice to have a relaxing weekend with my family and my dog. I was only able to stay for about a day and a half since I qualified for nationals and needed to come back for practice, but I made the most out of the trip. I was able to hang out with my mom and see my younger cousins for a little while. The kids were really excited to see us and wanted us to jump on their trampoline with them, so we jumped for about two hours, and I was so tired afterward!

I then headed back to Ada for one last pole vault practice before making the trip to North Carolina early Wednesday morning. It was such a long drive, and it seemed like we had gone through every season on the way down. It started snowing after we had left, then it quit somewhere towards the middle, and by the time we made it to the hotel, it felt like summer! 

Since we were going to be down there for a few days we were able to go to a bunch of other places in the nearby area. We went to a local coffee shop (my personal favorite), a zoo/aquarium where we saw some really cute penguins, we played mini-golf, and we went to so many local restaurants and ate all of the food we can't normally get back home. 

As for the track meet... I wasn't able to clear any bars. It was upsetting, but I learned a lot from it and gained some much-needed experience at a higher-level track meet. 

All in all, I enjoyed my spring break. I've never been able to go on a spring break trip in the past because I was always busy with track practice, so it was really cool to have the best of both worlds. 


  1. So proud of you for making it to Nationals! you are such a hard worker. I am glad you got to relax finally for spring break!

  2. That's so exciting that you qualified for the national meet! It seems like you were able to do some pretty fun things while down there too. I'm glad that you had such a great break. I'm excited for outdoor track for us and to see how it goes :)

  3. I'm so proud of you that you made it to Nationals! And that you got to go home for a little bit. But, it sounds like you made up your spring break by going to a coffee shop, zoo and aquarium, playing mini golf, and eating at local restaurants in North Carolina! But, I am excited to see where you will go in outdoor track I know you'll do great!


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