My First Podcast

Hey guys! This week's assignment in class was to create a podcast discussing an issue in the social media world. I decided to partner up with Brandon Berry to discuss a topic that we have both been thinking about recently. In our podcast, we talked about social media and its effects on mental health. 

Like I said, I've never created a podcast before, and neither had Brandon. It was a little nerve-wracking at first, but once we had a plan and started recording, we felt like naturals! It definitely helped that we planned ahead and gave ourselves a general outline of everything we wanted to say. 

All in all, this was an interesting experience, to say the least. I think we both learned a lot, and I can now see why marketers would use this outlet to discuss important topics in the industry. 

Below is a link to our podcast, and some show notes as well!

Social Media and its Effect on Mental Health - Anna & Brandon

Show Notes:

In today's podcast, we will be discussing social media's effect on mental health, how to recognize if social media is impacting your mental health and some ways to modify social media use to improve your relationship with social media. 

We also discussed if we thought we would be able to give up social media for a whole week or not. And if we did this if we thought our mental health would benefit from this or would the task make the issue worse? Then, we wrapped up by discussing an interesting article we both read on the topic. 

Hopefully, you got the chance to listen to our podcast, and thought it was interesting! As always, feel free to leave a comment - let us know what you thought of the podcast or some tips for podcasting in the future!


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