Week 11

 Hello again blogging world, I'm back with another regularly scheduled weekly update. My fish are still alive! Although they still have no names, I have moved them into a larger tank, so I am hoping that they are a little happier now. Every day they seem to be a little bit more active and more comfortable in their new home. However, I'm slightly unsure if they are actually eating. I feed them every morning and they never swim to the top right away to eat, which is what all of the goldfish I have had in the past would do. Maybe I'm feeding them too much? Either way, the food disappears eventually, but it looks like the majority of it has just been hanging out at the bottom of the bowl.

We finally had our first outdoor track meet! We traveled to Marian University in Indiana, and this was the first college meet I've had at a track I ran at in high school. My college career has been so crazy so far, with getting sent home for COVID freshman year and only being able to compete against schools in our conference sophomore year. We are just now able to see some different teams and travel to some different places this year and it has been so fun!

It was kind of cool to go back there and reflect on my career as a whole. When I went to the meet at Marian in high school you had to have a certain mark to qualify for the meet, and at that time I wasn't pole vaulting high enough to make it to the meet, but my 4x100 relay team made it. Going back reminded me so much of that day, I remember watching the other girls pole vault from a distance and wanting to be a part of that someday. And here I was this weekend with new teammates, and my opening bar was higher than my high school personal best. I think it's really cool to reflect on where you have been and where you are now, even though I didn't jump as high as I wanted to this weekend, I still felt accomplished and proud of myself and the progress I have made since my last meet there.

One last note from the meet this weekend - my best friend from high school was able to come to watch me pole vault! This was the first college meet she was able to come to. She goes to Rose Hulman which is about five hours away from ONU, so she hasn't been able to make it to any meets. It was so fun seeing her for a little bit as well as getting to see her parents. 


  1. Long Live the fish! I'm happy and hopeful that I can continue to hear about them in the future. I love when old friends get to see how your new life is.

  2. First time reading one of your blogs and I think I need to go back and read some of the others to learn more about these fish! And its always great to see old friends after long periods of time, glad you got to see her again!

  3. YES!! I am so happy that your fish are still alive and well. But even more happy that you moved them to a larger tank! But meeting your goals and visiting an old track that you used to race on never gets old! I always love the feeling of going back somewhere I used to race and looking back on where I was and where I am now! Also, I am happy that you got to see your friend again and I bet she was happy to see you too!!!


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