Week 13

Welcome to this week's update... or should I say pupdate!! This weekend was jam-packed with lots of fun. On Thursday, we traveled six hours to Bucknell University in Pennsylvania for a track meet. We got to the hotel pretty late that night and went to bed right away since the meet started Friday morning. The men pole-vaulted outside on Friday and the women vaulted inside on Saturday since it was raining. Competing at Bucknell was a really unique experience, there were 122 teams that were represented at the meet and we got the chance to compete against some division one and two schools. Overall, it was a fun trip since I got to hang out with my teammates! We made it back to ONU super late on Saturday night/Sunday morning if you will, at precisely 2:45 a.m. 

After the long drive home, I slept in much longer than I have probably all year. I was so exhausted! Since it was Easter, I ended up going to my boyfriend's grandparent's house for a super delicious lunch. I was still so tired and with a full belly, I ended up taking a nap as well!

Then after my nap, one of our friends that's also on the track team invited my boyfriend, some of our other track friends, and me to dinner at their house (this is where the pupdate comes in!!). Hunter's aunt is a golden retriever breeder, and she let us come and play with the puppies they have! Currently, there are three different litters or 30 total puppies. They were all so sweet and happy to have some new friends to play with. Of course, we all took so many photos and videos. It took a lot of self-control for me to not buy one of the 11 that were still for sale. If you are interested in one of the puppies, Hunter's aunt runs a Facebook page: Hornish Goldens!

If you check out her page, you can also see me in their latest video. We did a "manding session" with one of the three litters. In this session, you get to give the puppies lots of treats but only if they are sitting and not jumping around. This is one of the ways she begins to train the puppies before they go to their homes. After these sessions, the puppies have learned how to sit still without using the "sit" command, which is really impressive to me!

Here are just a few of the photos with the puppies:


  1. It sounds like you had a very eventful "Easter Break" weekend! I must say with the course loads that we have now, I do not miss getting back from sporting events so late. Kudos to you! Those puppies are absolutely adorable! It is great that you still got to spend some time with the people you care about this weekend. I don't know how you kept yourself from keeping one of those little guys. It must have been so hard.

  2. I'm glad you had such a fun weekend! The puppies are so cute! I have a golden retriever and the pictures you posted remind me of mine. That's nice you were able to hang out with friends on Easter since you got back from the track meet so late.

  3. You always have the most eventful weekends! I can't believe how far away that meet was. You did amazing as always.


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