Week 14

It's week 14, we're almost out of here! I believe next week will be the last of my blog posts for the semester. Anyways, this week was a more normal week for me. I had class all five days of the week and a track meet on Saturday.

This week we finally had a home meet! It was nice not having a long bus ride after the extra-long one we had last weekend but meets at home require some setting up and tearing down that we haven't had to do since the indoor season. My parents and one set of grandparents were able to come up and watch, it was nice to see them since I hadn't in a while. This week I pole vaulted like normal but I also got to run in the 4x100 meter relay! That is my favorite race and it was so fun to be in it again. My team ran 49.99, breaking 50 seconds which was awesome! I'm really excited to run again in the upcoming meets. This weekend we will be going to Ashland University and the next weekend is the conference meet at Baldwin Wallace. 

My parents, grandparents, and I had planned on going out for dinner with my boyfriend and his parents after the meet was over since everyone was free and we all wanted to spend a little more time together. But, if you've ever been to a track meet, you would know how stinking long they are. So instead of watching a bunch of strangers running circles around the track my parents and grandparents explored Ada. They actually found a brand-new store on main street, it's a liquidation store and they had a bunch of name-brand clothes and other things and almost everything was six dollars! I haven't gotten the chance to check it out yet, but it is on my to-do list for the week.

Sunday was a gorgeous day! I had to pick up a short shift from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. but after I was done there I went to the baseball and women's soccer games. Even though I had to work, it was still a fairly relaxing day. Hopefully, this week won't be too busy with finals week quickly approaching! Next week will be very busy and I should have a little bit more to write about than just track updates!


  1. I'm glad you had such a great weekend! It seems like you had a lot going on but still managed to have fun, and enjoy the nice weather we finally had. That's cool that your family found a new store in Ada, I never even heard of it haha. Track meets can be so long, and I'm hoping the one this coming weekend will be pretty short :)

  2. I'm happy you had a good week! I don't know how you balance work, track and school so effortlessly.


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