Week 15

 Happy Dead Week! I can't believe finals week is next week already and that junior year is almost over. At the beginning of the semester and the beginning of this class, the weekly blogging assignments seemed so daunting and I was so nervous about them! And after 15 weeks, I can say that it wasn't as bad as I thought and it is definitely much easier to write now than it was in the beginning. I was really afraid of what others would think of my blogs and what I had to say but I have noticed a lot of growth in myself over the semester and I'm thinking that writing the blogs (as annoying as they were at times) played a small part!

That was kind of sappy, but I tend to get like that at the end of the semester haha! Anyways, for the regularly scheduled track update: this weekend we were at Ashland University for their alumni meet. There were 34 girls pole vaulting, and I was in a four-way tie for seventh place jumping 3.58 meters which is 11'9" for those of you that prefer English. I was really excited to jump at Ashland because that is where Katie Nageotte went to college. She won gold in the pole vault at the Olympics last summer and she is one of the only "famous" people that I follow on social media. I have been a big fan of her for a long time and I was so excited for her when she won gold. I was really hoping I would finally get to meet her at the track meet this weekend, but she just went down to Florida for training I believe so unfortunately she wasn't able to come :(

This week is the conference championship meet and coming up are last chance meets to qualify for nationals. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. I will have to stay extra focused so I can try to jump a little higher and secure a spot for the national meet. I most likely won't post on this blog anymore so if you are curious about how things turn out you'll have to stay updated through my TFRRS link haha!

Thanks for a great semester and for an experience I never thought I would have! Peace out Blogspot!


  1. Congratulations on making the conference championship meet! Thats really exciting and I hope you kill it!


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