
Hey, there fellow bloggers! School started this week and I'm taking Social Media Strategies and Campaigns this semester with Dr. Aggie, so I'm back to writing my weekly blogs. 

My summer was great, I was super busy the entire time! I had two internships, the main one was with Bolt Media Company for school credit, and the other with Whitewater Print Solutions. Last summer I interned with Whitewater doing graphic design, and I really enjoyed it, but since I'm a marketing major this internship wouldn't have counted for the credit at ONU. However, they had one project that they wanted me to come back to work on, so for a couple hours a week, I would work on that. The project was an ad book for the Antique Machinery Show in Brookville that was about 60 pages long and full of ads for almost all of the businesses in my hometown. My main internship was with Bolt Media Company which is a super small video marketing company in Liberty, Indiana. They have been in business for just over a year now, and until I started this summer my supervisor was the only employee. While I was there, I got to learn all about the video marketing world! I even got to start our social media accounts from scratch, and practice some of the things I learned in Principles of Social Media last semester. I got to help with all of our filming dates, a live streaming event, as well as take photos with a "real" camera and edit them using Adobe Lightroom. Overall, it was a great experience, I got to meet and interact with so many clients and learn more about the businesses near my hometown. At the end of my internship, my boss offered me a part-time job as the Digital Marketing Coordinator, which I accepted! I'm really excited about this opportunity, and to be able to continue working remotely during my last year of school!

During the last weekend of summer, my family took a short vacation to Cumberland Falls in Kentucky. This was the last weekend that my brother and I would be home before we both went off to college (his first year!), so my mom wanted to take a little family vacation before the nest was empty. My dad was the only one who had been to the falls before, but the last time he was there was when he was a kid! The first day we were there we saw the main waterfall and took a short hike. My brother and I were climbing on as many of the rocks as we could - they were HUGE! After our mini hike, we went back to the campsite to set up our tents. The next day we planned to go on a longer hike, just a little bit over three miles long. There weren't any loop trails, but all of the trails connected to each other, so we planned to make our own loop. The hike was going to be pretty rugged, but I was excited for the challenge! There were lots of switchbacks and overhanging rocks and it was such a beautiful hike. We ended up hiking to the top of the mountain near the fire tower and stopped for lunch with a view. Then, we hiked some more and hiked some more, and when we were about 3/4 of the way finished, we came to a sign saying that the trail was closed! It was overgrown and washed out and must have been closed for months. We were all feeling pretty tired, and this news was not what we wanted. We had to backtrack and hook up with a trail that we were already on! Long story short, we ended up losing the trail (because the detour didn't exist), had to hike straight up the muddy mountain, and our three-mile hike somehow turned into a six-mile hike. We were all so exhausted afterward, but overall, we had a great time.

Anyways - it is so great to be blogging again! I didn't think I would miss it, but after writing this post I remembered how fun it is when you actually have a story to tell!

I'm so happy to be back in Ada with all of my friends - see you next week:)

P.S. here are some out-of-order pictures from this summer!


Last Meeting of my internship

Taking photos in Cincinnati for my internship

Family photo from our long hike


  1. Anna, it sounds like you had a blast this summer! I'd love to see some of your graphic design and video work that you did this summer at your internships! I wish the marketing and public relations majors had photography and videography courses as part of the curriculum. Both are so essential to a good social media post!


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