Mud Volleyball & Senior Capstone Kickoff

Hey there, blogging world - this week has flown by! So fast that I managed to forget to write my blog post for this week... Hopefully, I will do better next week, and I will be back in the swing of things.

I tried something new this weekend! At the beginning of each school year at ONU, the freshmen residence hall hosts a mud volleyball tournament. Every year I have been so hesitant to participate that I have never played. However, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a senior and I only have one more chance to participate in all of the fun things that I haven't done in the past few years here. So, I finally played mud volleyball this past weekend! The people on the track team that wanted to play were split up into three randomized teams. My team was half upperclassmen and the other half freshmen. It was such a fun way to get to know a few of our new teammates. My team actually ended up playing really well too! We won almost every game without going through a full serving rotation, which means that I didn't have to serve until the last two or three games that we played. We also made it into the final round but ended up in third place. All in all, it was a super fun day in the sun with my teammates and I wish that I wasn't such a chicken and played the last three years!

This week marked the beginning of our capstone project. All of the marketing majors are working with Marathon Petroleum as our client. Naturally, I am a little nervous about this project, but I'm also excited! There is going to be a lot of research and work to be done, but this will be such a good experience no matter where I'll end up after graduation. 

Today, we went to their headquarters in Findlay, Ohio to finally meet our clients, tour their campus and performing arts center, and experience downtown. I spent a little too much time getting ready and looking over information for today, which is how I ended up forgetting to write my blog post. However, I wouldn't have had as many things to write about. I'm not sure how much information I'm allowed to put out onto the internet about our project so I'm going to keep it at that until I know more.

See you next week, before the due date!

My capstone group

Mud volleyball team


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