
Bloggers! It's week five... I guess? I think I have mentioned this in one way or another in every blog, but this year is flying by. I was unsure of what to write about this week, again. But I finally came to the conclusion of writing about my newfound hobby of photography. Well, I have always loved taking photos, but my interest has piqued again recently. 

My memory is pretty terrible, so I don't remember exactly when my interest in cameras and photography began. However, I believe it came from doing photoshoots with my aunt when I was pretty young. My first camera was a little digital camera that had terrible resolution, a very tiny screen, and had Hannah Montana on the front. I know that I took so many photos on that camera and used it so much that once I was a little bit older, my parents got me a slightly better and more grown-up camera. This newer one was red and still had pretty terrible resolution, but I wasn't old enough to care. 

I found the red camera when I was cleaning out my desk this summer, and I of course had to plug in the SD card and view all the pictures and videos that my younger self took. Let's just say that they were all too cringey to save or let alone share on the internet. There were so many memories captured on that camera from birthday parties to sleepovers and everything in between.

My fascination with photography slowed a bit as I got older. I still loved taking photos on my phone, and I even took a photography class in high school where I learned about film and how to use it. In college my "hobby" was almost non-existent. I still took photos with my friends but never anything past using my iPhone. Until this past summer! I know that I have talked about my internship on here in my back-to-school post, but I got to learn about videography and was finally able to get my hands on real cameras. My boss would take care of getting the video on one camera and I had free range to take as many still photos as I wanted with the other camera. I felt like a kid again, but I was getting paid and was building my resume at the same time! I got back in touch with something that I have always had a fascination with, but this time I had all the correct tools that I never had before. Since coming back to school this fall, I have also been taking photos for the sports information department. Yet again, combining some of my hobbies - sports and photography.

Needless to say, I am so happy that I have finally figured out the answer to "what hobbies do you have?" 


  1. I love your new hobby, not only because I can now use you as a photographer, but also because I like looking at your work. I am also a fan of the camera that is as big as you! Keep pursuing your talent!

  2. Hi! Photography is a perfect hobby. I had a somewhat similar internship experience. I also got to use a camera, which I used to produce content for the company's different social media channels. It's great that you have been able to combine your two hobbies at school; keep up the good work.


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