Homecoming Weekend!

It's official, I finally have something exciting to write about! This past weekend was homecoming, and boy, was I busy. Since I wrote last, my roommate Kenzie and I finished painting our banner for the parade. We went with the postcard theme that has been trending lately. Our banner was complete with all of the staple ONU features - the Hill building, Klondike, and of course pictures of our teammates from track meets. 

Saturday morning, we walked in the parade and handed out candy. Main street was filled with so many smiling faces and it was so much fun walking in the parade! The last time I walked in the homecoming parade was my freshman year. It's so crazy to think about how different things were, after all, it was long before anybody even thought of COVID. 

After the parade, a couple of my teammates and I headed over to the homecoming tent. While we were there, we met up with some of our friends that have already graduated. At the tent, there were a bunch of clubs and campus organizations giving away free food and other ONU things. I even got a caricature with Claire, she's a freshman pole vaulter. I had never gotten a caricature of myself before and it was so funny seeing how the drawing came out.

Once we were all finished checking out the tent, I ate lunch before heading to the soccer and football games to take pictures for sports information. During halftime, they announced who won royalty and which banners won the competition. My friend Brooks, who is on the track team and was the first person I ever met at ONU, won Homecoming King! He was so excited and it was so cool being on the sidelines when he won. And, you'll never guess which banner got first place. The one Kenzie and I spent so much time on last week won! I also got so many good pictures that we were able to put on the sports articles. The football team lost, but it was still such a fun day. 

Here is a picture of the winning banner and all of the track kids that walked in the parade:

Until next week!


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