Sick Week

 Fellow bears and bloggers, if you haven't noticed, the weather has changed. I believe I talked a little bit about this in my last blog or an even earlier one. But the fall season is in full effect now. The leaves have changed colors, some have already fallen to the ground, and the temperature has dropped too much for my liking - I started wearing a coat this week. Although it is my lighter coat, it is still a coat, nonetheless. 

This weather change also brought some sort of sickness upon me this past week. I was taking Tylenol throughout the day and sleeping whenever I got the chance. I was miserable all week, and it was just no fun. 

Since I was sick, I absolutely did not take any pictures to attach to my blog so here is a visual representation of what I looked like all week:

Anyways, with all of the extra time spent in my bed, I was able to watch a lot of TV. I have a TV in my room, but I don't have a lot of opportunities to actually watch it. Most of the time I have it on for a little bit of background noise while I do homework, but I was able to watch "That 70's Show" last week and it definitely made me feel a little better about being so sick. Do you like to watch movies or shows when you're sick? Or is there a different sick day activity that you like better?

My blogs have been rather boring as of late, and this is one of the few times that I am thankful that I don't have many readers haha! I couldn't imagine having to write more than one or two of these in a week, and I think that I would be too exhausted if I had enough happenings in a week that I would need to write more than one post. 

On a more exciting note, it is homecoming week! So hopefully I will have something exciting I can write about for next week. I am getting to take pictures for sports information at the football game so I am excited to get to experience the game on a more personal level this year!


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