Photography (part 2)

I have some exciting news! My dad bought a camera for me, and it is on its way to my house as we speak! After months of deciding which camera I want, I finally decided on a Canon 6D. Needless to say, I am so so so excited about this new adventure.

If you read my blog a couple weeks ago, you read about my newfound hobby of photography. I have always loved taking pictures, and this hobby has been off and on since I was a little girl. It picked back up when I started my internship this summer and was finally able to use some real equipment. Since then, I started taking photos for ONU Sports Information at tennis matches, volleyball, soccer, and football games. As my skillset has grown, I decided that it was time to get my own setup. However, if you know anything about photography, you know that it is a very expensive hobby. The price tag is definitely the thing that has set me back from beginning this journey in the past, but my dad offered to pay for the equipment as long as I promise to always take photos for his small businesses (what a nice guy). 

So, in a few days or weeks, be on the lookout for my new Instagram page! Instead of bombarding my current followers with photography posts, I'm planning on creating a new page dedicated to photography. I am currently collecting the photos I have taken this summer and the photos I have taken for sports information so that after creating my page, I will have all of the content ready to go. I would have started this page already, but I am stuck on what I should call it. Most photography pages do their name with photography after it, but I'm not the biggest fan of that. However, I don't have a better name for my new photography endeavor, so it might end up being called "Anna Schatzle Photography." In my head, it doesn't sound that great, but seeing it written down is giving me second thoughts. 

What do you think I should call my new page? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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