Spontaneous Weekend

Fellow bears and bloggers, welcome to another edition of "what did Anna do this weekend." Seriously, it seems like nothing happens throughout my week that is worthwhile to write about. However, this weekend was just outside of my normal weekend activities. Usually, I sleep in as much as I can Saturday morning, head to whatever sporting event is happening to take pictures, edit said pictures, and then get a snack on my way home from McDonald's or Taco Bell, then watch TV until I fall asleep. Then, on Sundays, I will clean my room, watch more TV or play on my phone, hang out with my roommates, or do laundry before finally doing homework. 

However, this weekend there were no home sporting events. So instead of my usual weekend routine, I finally did something different for a change! Saturday morning there was a Polar Preview Day which is an event for high schoolers to come to ONU and talk to the different colleges, go on tours, and meet with faculty. I helped at the Dicke College table and got to talk to a few different prospective students. After I was done helping there, my roommate, Kenzie, and I decided that we wanted to go to the boutique that's in Kenton. We dressed up a little bit more than we usually would and headed out on our adventure. Once we got into the downtown area of Kenton, Kenzie's twin sister Hannah called us. She helps out with the football team and since they had an away game, she was at Otterbein with them. She had been sick and still decided to go help at the game, but once she was there, she started feeling worse. So, like the good sister and roommates that we are, we drove all the way to Otterbein to save Hannah! I wasn't really prepared to go down there, but if you know me, you know that I like to go with the flow.

Once we picked Hannah up, we were able to get lunch at Raising Cane's for some Chicken Fingers. If you are stuck in small-town Ada, you know how special it is to be able to get Cane's! After we picked up lunch, we stopped at Target, Hannah needed a pillow and blanket for the ride home. We picked those items up as well as some other random items that we thought we needed, for example, a dinosaur Squishmallow. Then, we made our way back home.

The only picture I have from our adventure,
the BeReal notification popped up right as we were leaving for Otterbein


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