Thanksgiving Break

What a busy week! This past week was Thanksgiving, and I definitely needed that break from school. I have been super stressed about my capstone project, but after submitting our third deliverable and not having classes for a few days, I have finally found my zen again! These next couple of weeks before winter break are going to be so busy with all of the projects wrapping up and the presentations that come with them. But, after my much-needed break, I think they will be a little bit easier than I was expecting. It will still be stressful, but not the end of the world. I am more than ready for this semester to be over, I have good vibes about the next one and can't wait for it to be here. This semester has been so wild and really just needs to be over with. 

Anyways, over break, I was able to get my camera and play around with it too! I took pictures at my brother's girlfriend's basketball game and also took some of our farm animals (a bunch of cows and our dog, Maggie). After some trial and error, I think I got the settings how I like them, but it is still going to be a little bit of a learning curve since this camera is a little different from the one I have been using for sports information. 

During the break, I was also able to see my younger cousins at Thanksgiving. As always, they were very excited to see us and they were so crazy all day. Sometimes I wish I could have some of their energy... they were nonstop the whole day, even after eating all the turkey. Thanksgiving dinner always makes me so sleepy, I look forward to the meal and the nap afterward all year. What's your favorite holiday?

On Friday, I went and did a little shopping with my mom, brother, and my brother's girlfriend. We went to the Liberty Center Mall and some other stores near it. I don't really see the hype for Black Friday deals, everything online is all the same price as in stores, and you don't have to deal with the crowd. All in all, it was a fun day and I got to go somewhere and hang out with my mom.

Here's to the end of the semester, and only a few more blogs left to write!


  1. Sounds like a fun break! Did you get anything on Black Friday?


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