Last blog... ever?

Hey there bloggers, you read that right, this is my last blog for the semester, and possibly my last blog ever. Although I enjoy telling the internet all of the exciting tales of my weekends in Ada, at the end of the day I don't enjoy it enough to continue writing when it's not for a class. This is definitely the last one for this semester, but I'm not sure if I will have any blogging assignments for any of my classes next semester. 

So, for one last time (maybe), here's my weekly update of what I did this weekend! Saturday, I spent almost my entire day at the wrestling invitational at ONU taking pictures for sports information. I have only ever been to one other wrestling meet that I know of, and it was either last year or the year before. Wrestling is... interesting. Even after spending the whole day there and watching extra close through the camera lens, I still have no idea what was happening. Some matches were rather long, and others lasted no more than 15-30 seconds. Either way, it was still more experience taking photos so I was content.

Today (Sunday), two of my roommates and I went to Findlay to do some shopping for our team's secret Santa. Obviously, I won't tell you who my person is, but it was fun to shop with my friends rather than by myself this year. We also got a little carried away in TJMaxx, but who doesn't? We ended up coming home with an ICEE machine, as well as some other items that weren't exactly necessary. 

Anyways, I'm writing this earlier than usual so that I can focus on getting ready for my many presentations this week. I'm so close to being done with my capstone project! I am 100% ready for this semester to be over and cannot wait for next semester. I'm excited for a new set of classes and for track meets to start again. I'm also excited for winter break and getting to hang out with my family and my dog.

What are your plans for winter break? Besides hanging out with family, I am planning on working at my job and working out at my high school so I can help their pole vaulters again. I'm sure there will be other things I'll do over break that will come up as time goes on, but those are my plans as of right now!

Thanks for reading my blogs this year!


  1. I also wrote my last blog this week! Although it has been a neat experience, it is also a weight lifted knowing that I am done writing blogs. Going to TJMaxx is one of my favorite things to do and I often come home with things that probably weren't necessary but seemed like a good idea when I was at the store. I hope your finals and capstone go well!

  2. Maybe you should blog about your new photography career next? Sounds like something I would tune into.


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