
Showing posts from April, 2022

Essentials of Social Media Marketing: Chapter 14

 Chapter 14 talks about Influencer Marketing with Social Media.  In general, influencer marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on using influencers to promote a brand, message, product, or service to their larger market. The easiest examples of influencer marketing are celebrity and athlete endorsements, which date back many centuries.  A social media influencer is, you guessed it, someone who exerts their influence through social media. In the past, brands would only want to work with you if you were a celebrity or famous actor or athlete, but in today's online world, everyday "regular" people have the ability to be an influencer. Social media leveled the playing field and gave everyone the opportunity to find their voice and follow others with similar opinions. Influencer marketing is now a multi-billion-dollar industry, and no matter the size of the brand, businesses are budgeting for influencer marketing.  Wait, so what I'm hearing is that you and I could b

Week 14

It's week 14, we're almost out of here! I believe next week will be the last of my blog posts for the semester. Anyways, this week was a more normal week for me. I had class all five days of the week and a track meet on Saturday. This week we finally had a home meet! It was nice not having a long bus ride after the extra-long one we had last weekend but meets at home require some setting up and tearing down that we haven't had to do since the indoor season. My parents and one set of grandparents were able to come up and watch, it was nice to see them since I hadn't in a while. This week I pole vaulted like normal but I also got to run in the 4x100 meter relay! That is my favorite race and it was so fun to be in it again. My team ran 49.99, breaking 50 seconds which was awesome! I'm really excited to run again in the upcoming meets. This weekend we will be going to Ashland University and the next weekend is the conference meet at Baldwin Wallace.  My parents, grandpa

Essentials of Social Media Marketing: Chapter 13

Believe it or not, we are nearing the end of our textbook! This week is Chapter 13, which is about Social Media Marketing Campaigns.  In general, , a social media marketing campaign is a coordinated social media effort to communicate with a target audience so that a business can achieve some kind of marketing or other business goal. Social media marketing campaigns usually have a start and end date, as well as a strategy, specific goal and time frame to dictate day-to-day activities.  The most in-depth portion of the chapter discusses launching a social media campaign. Below are the steps that need to be taken before launching your campaign: 1. ESTABLISH GOALS: establish what you want the campaign to accomplish using specific business goals. 2. CHOOSE A CAMPAIGN IDEA, THEME, AND TYPE: make sure to start with simple, customer-centric, and emotionally engaging idea. Then, choose a campaign name and theme as well as a detailed overview of your goals. Finally, choose the type of campaign t

Week 13

Welcome to this week's update... or should I say pupdate!! This weekend was jam-packed with lots of fun. On Thursday, we traveled six hours to Bucknell University in Pennsylvania for a track meet. We got to the hotel pretty late that night and went to bed right away since the meet started Friday morning. The men pole-vaulted outside on Friday and the women vaulted inside on Saturday since it was raining. Competing at Bucknell was a really unique experience, there were 122 teams that were represented at the meet and we got the chance to compete against some division one and two schools. Overall, it was a fun trip since I got to hang out with my teammates! We made it back to ONU super late on Saturday night/Sunday morning if you will, at precisely 2:45 a.m.  After the long drive home, I slept in much longer than I have probably all year. I was so exhausted! Since it was Easter, I ended up going to my boyfriend's grandparent's house for a super delicious lunch. I was still so

Week 12

Welcome to week 12 of me actually counting out the weeks! I'm still unsure if writing recaps of each week is making time move slower or faster. Anyways, all three fish are still alive, and I think they are finally starting to eat their food quicker too. I usually feed them in the morning before I eat breakfast, and they used to not finish their food until after I got back from classes, but now the food is gone after I'm finished with my breakfast. I think my fish might just be a little shy, but that's ok. This weekend was a little different in the track world! We split squads, meaning not everyone went to the same meets or competed on the same days. I pole vaulted on Friday at Oberlin College, and again on Monday at Indiana Tech. Both track meets were very successful! The weather was less than stellar on Friday at Oberlin, so the pole vaulters ended up jumping inside. For once, everyone had a really great day - I had an "outdoor" personal best, my boyfriend had an

My First Podcast

Hey guys! This week's assignment in class was to create a podcast discussing an issue in the social media world. I decided to partner up with Brandon Berry to discuss a topic that we have both been thinking about recently. In our podcast, we talked about social media and its effects on mental health.  Like I said, I've never created a podcast before, and neither had Brandon. It was a little nerve-wracking at first, but once we had a plan and started recording, we felt like naturals! It definitely helped that we planned ahead and gave ourselves a general outline of everything we wanted to say.  All in all, this was an interesting experience, to say the least. I think we both learned a lot, and I can now see why marketers would use this outlet to discuss important topics in the industry.  Below is a link to our podcast, and some show notes as well! Social Media and its Effect on Mental Health - Anna & Brandon Show Notes: In today's podcast, we will be discussing social me

Week 11

 Hello again blogging world, I'm back with another regularly scheduled weekly update. My fish are still alive! Although they still have no names, I have moved them into a larger tank, so I am hoping that they are a little happier now. Every day they seem to be a little bit more active and more comfortable in their new home. However, I'm slightly unsure if they are actually eating. I feed them every morning and they never swim to the top right away to eat, which is what all of the goldfish I have had in the past would do. Maybe I'm feeding them too much? Either way, the food disappears eventually, but it looks like the majority of it has just been hanging out at the bottom of the bowl. We finally had our first outdoor track meet! We traveled to Marian University in Indiana, and this was the first college meet I've had at a track I ran at in high school. My college career has been so crazy so far, with getting sent home for COVID freshman year and only being able to compe

Essentials of Social Media Marketing: Chapter 11

 We have finally reached our last "Marketing with ________" chapter, and I could not be more excited! It was starting to feel very repetitive writing each blog post about the chapters because they were all very similar in nature and had the same sections. Chapter 11 is about marketing with TikTok. TikTok is still a relatively new platform, gaining most of its traction in 2020 when everyone was at home during the heavy quarantine portion of COVID-19. On TikTok, users can create a variety of short videos that last 15 seconds to one minute. In January 2021, TikTok reported 689 million monthly users worldwide, which ranks them seventh among all social media platforms. Believe it or not, this ranking is above that of Snapchat, Pinterest, and Twitter.  By the numbers, 69 percent of TikTok users in the United States are between 13 and 24 years old, users spend an average of 52 minutes on the app every day, more than one billion videos are viewed every day in the past year, and the a